Dare to Dream

dare to dream

they’d say to me

right before

they knocked me down,

left my dreams and i

bleeding on the floor,

left us on the harsh ground

to die.

you didn’t know

no matter

how harsh reality

is to me

and my dreams,

we won’t take cover

and hide,

waiting to die.

we’ll disrupt your world,

showing you you’re wrong.

showing you how strong

this girl

and her dreams

can be.


my eyes are darker when i cry,

a dark blue that speaks of pain

that my mouth is too afraid to say.

my eyes mirror what my soul feels.

they could see if they cared,

but they’re too wrapped up in

their own little world

to really give a damn

about the sorrow of a little girl.

So, I lie alone staring at the wall,

my eyes getting darker by the second.

Writer’s Block

Ahh, the dreaded writer’s block. The moment you put your fingers to computer keys or pencil to paper and nothing comes to mind. It’s one of the worst feelings ever.. Well, that and not feeling wanted, but that’s another story.. my personal life is very chaotic right now.. Anyway, writer’s block stinks, plain and simple. The question is, how do you deal with it? I mean, free writing, taking short little, cat naps, keeping a journal.. I’ve tried them all and they all worked to some extent, but I’m looking for something new. Have you discovered the secret? If so, tell us!!